Top 8 Health Benefits of Pomegranates

The pomegranate is a shrub that produces a red fruit. The scientific name of Pomegranate is Punica granatum. Pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits on earth. They contain a range of beneficial plant compounds, unrivaled by other foods.

Here are Top 8 health benefits of Pomegranates :
1. Loaded With Important Nutrients
The pomegranate is a fruit that contains hundreds of edible seeds called arils. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and bioactive plant compounds, but they also contain some sugar.
2. It contain Two Plant Compounds With Powerful Medicinal Properties
There are two unique substances in pomegranates that are responsible for most of their health benefits i.e Punicalagins (extremely powerful antioxidants) and Punicic Acid (pomegranate seed oil).
3. It Help Fight Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. Laboratory studies have shown that pomegranate extract can slow down cancer cell reproduction, and even induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells.
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4. Useful Against Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Pomegranate extract has been shown to inhibit reproduction of breast cancer cells, and may even kill some of them.
5. Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the leading drivers of heart attacks and strokes. In one study, people with high blood pressure had a significant reduction after consuming 150 ml (5 oz) of pomegranate juice daily for 2 weeks.
6. Fight against Bacterial and Fungal Infections
The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects may also be protective against infections and inflammation in the mouth. Pomegranate has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, which may be useful against common diseases of the gums.
7. Help to Improve Memory
There is some evidence that pomegranate can improve memory. In one study in surgical patients, 2 grams of pomegranate extract prevented deficits in memory after the surgery. There is also some evidence from studies in mice that pomegranate can help fight Alzheimer’s disease.
8. Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects
The punicalagins in pomegranate juice have been shown to reduce inflammation, one of the leading drivers of many killer diseases.
Reference :
1. Authority Nutrition :
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    About two years ago, when I was 56, I started feeling foggy and had occasional memory lapses. My wife, Mary, started to notice it, too, but I also have hearing issues so she believed that was the problem. My memory problems deepened very gradually over the years, and we lived with it, compensating as wanted. I became less social. After some months thereafter, it got to the point where we couldn’t keep making excuses or ignoring it. I had gone from doing our grocery shopping without a list to going with a list, to having the list but not buying what was on it.

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    By the existence of such an encounter, I was able to learn of the new approach by which this herbalist successfully treated dementia conditions, which included a distinguished herbal therapy and lifestyle changes of which I had undergone to a tremendous, positive effect.
    It was after the completion of the herbal therapy I had started to experience a great deal of cognitive improvement when it came to rational decision making.

    In brief, I was able to go through the dreadful hollows of senile dementia without any further hazardous damage to my health condition, and within a short period. Had it not been for the support of my wife, of whom had encouraged me to undergo the above-mentioned therapy and that of the herbal practitioner of whom now happens to be benefactor - I would have been long exposed to the further perils of this condition and of which had been apt to result to a calamitous end.

    I would also wish for the same positiveness upon patients who may happen to be suffering from this debilitating disease, and would warmly beseech them to find a confidant like this herbal specialist with whose professional services I was able to attain a divine recovery.

    For further information concerning this African traditional cure for Alzheimer's disease; feel free to contact Dr. Utu directly via email:


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