1. Triad of Alport's Syndrome -- Sensorineural deafness, Progressive renal failure, Ocular anomalies
2. Triad of Behcet's Syndrome -- Recurrent oral ulcers, Genital ulcers, Iridocyclitis
3. Beck's Triad -- Muffled heart sound, Distended neck veins, Hypotension
4. Charcot's Triad -- Pain, Fever, Jaundice
5. Gradenigo's Triad -- Sixth cranial nerve palsy, Persistant ear discharge, Deep seated Retro-orbital pain
6. Triad Of Hypernephroma -- pain+hematuria+renal Mass.
7. Hutchinson's Triad --- Hutchison's Teeth, Interstitial Keratitis, Nerve Deafness.
8. Triad Of Kwashiorkar -- Growth Retardation, Mental Changes, Edema.
9. Saint's Triad --- Gall Stones, Diverticulosis, Hiatus Hernia.
10. Trotter's Triad -- Conductive Deafness, Immobility Of Homolateral Soft Palate, Trigeminal Neuralgia.
11. Virchow's Triad -- Stasis+Hypercoagulability+Vessel injury
12. Congenital Rubella syndrome -- PDA deafness cataract
13. Samter's Triad -- Aspirin sensitivity, Bronchial asthma, Nasal polyp.
14. Grancher's triad -- lessened vesicular quality of breathing, skodaic resonance, and increased vocal fremitus; seen in early pulmonary tuberculosis.
15. Osler's triad -- telangiectasis, capillary fragility, and hereditary hemorrhagic diathesis seen in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
16. Bartter's Syndrome -- Metabolic alkalosis, Hypokalemia, Normal OR decreased PB.
17. Weil's Disease -- Hepatorenal Damage, Bleeding Diathesis, Pyrexia.
18. Meniere's Disease -- Vertigo, Tinnitus, Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
19. Melkersson Rosenthal Syndrome -- recurrent Facial Palsy, Plication Of Tongue, Facial Edema.
20. Parkinsonism -- Rigidity, Tremor Hypokinasia
21. Cushing's traid -- Bradycardia, hypertension & irregular respirations in increased intracranial pressure.
22. Kartagener’s Syndrome -- bronchiectasis, Recurrent sinusitis, and Situs inversus.
23. Hemobilia(Triad of Sandblom) -- Malena, Obstructive jaundice, Biliary colic.
24. Murphy's triad(in order) -- Pain, Vomitting, Fever.
25. Whipple's Triad of Insulinoma -- Hypoglycaemia during attacks, S. glucose <40, Relief of symptoms when the glucose is raised to normal.

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